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Asma Ul Husna PDF indir

Asma Ul Husna PDF Oku indir, Asma Ul Husna kitabı İNGİLİZCE sayfadan oluşmakta ve Kitap Kağıdı boyutundadır. Asma Ul Husna kitabının kapağı ise 304 özelliğine sahiptir. 9786056074486 dilinde yazılmış olan Asma Ul Husna kitabını 27.11.2024 numarasıyla kontrolünü yapabilirsiniz. Asma Ul Husna kitabını PDF indir.

Asma Ul Husna PDF

The Most Beautiful Names of God are 99, however, the names of God by which the Creator is known across the world, across different cultures and religions, are infinite.  Each individual, each believer in a greater power, multiply to the Lord of all beings in his or her language and dialect.
 This is a manifestation of the diversity that is the creation, and in this diversity, we also find oneness;  a unity, as Rumi says: ‘If I am you, and you are me, what is this talk of you and me?’ In each faith, in each language and culture, God is known by many different names.
 Each of these names are special and specific to each culture, and religion.  It is a duty of human beings to know, love and understand these names of God, and this is the starting point of this beautiful book dedicated to the Most Beautiful Names of God.
You created us so that we may know You and love You. Allow us to learn Your Beautiful Names, each which is an infinite treasure. Show us the magnificent manifes- tations of Your Beautiful Names in the universe in a clear and open way. 

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