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Investigating Unıversity Youth’s Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Applications PDF indir

Investigating Unıversity Youth’s Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Applications PDF Oku indir, Investigating Unıversity Youth’s Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Applications kitabı İNGİLİZCE sayfadan oluşmakta ve Kitap Kağıdı boyutundadır. Investigating Unıversity Youth’s Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Applications kitabının kapağı ise 272 özelliğine sahiptir. 9786253939298 dilinde yazılmış olan Investigating Unıversity Youth’s Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Applications kitabını 02.11.2024 numarasıyla kontrolünü yapabilirsiniz. Investigating Unıversity Youth’s Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Applications kitabını PDF indir.

Investigating Unıversity Youth’s Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Applications PDF

Artificial intelligence (AI) applications have developed rapidly in recent years and have led to radical changes in many sectors. Increasing awareness of artificial intelligence is critical to benefit from this technology at the highest level. Through training programs, workshops and seminars, individuals can learn how artificial intelligence applications can affect their daily lives and how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by this technology. The purpose of this study is to examine the awareness of artificial intelligence applications among undergraduate students at Atatürk University. For this purpose, the data obtained through a survey applied to 406 students selected by convenience sampling method was compiled. The aim is to determine the effects of many factors such as socio-demographic and economic factors, social lifestyle and interest in various social activities, for what purpose and how often social media is used, negative and positive psychological and sociological effects of artificial intelligence applications, and expectations from artificial intelligence applications, on the awareness of artificial intelligence applications.

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