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Leadership Communication and Denktaş PDF indir

Leadership Communication and Denktaş PDF Oku indir, Leadership Communication and Denktaş kitabı İNGİLİZCE sayfadan oluşmakta ve Kitap Kağıdı boyutundadır. Leadership Communication and Denktaş kitabının kapağı ise 154 özelliğine sahiptir. 9786253933852 dilinde yazılmış olan Leadership Communication and Denktaş kitabını 09.11.2024 numarasıyla kontrolünü yapabilirsiniz. Leadership Communication and Denktaş kitabını PDF indir.

Leadership Communication and Denktaş PDF

The relationship between leadership and communication is very close. A good leader must have effective communication skills. Communication is extremely important in explaining the leader’s vision, interacting with the audience, and achieving their goals. In this context, it would be right to state that successful leadership is built on a strong communication foundation. Rauf Denktaş’s leadership characteristics include a strong vision, effective communication skills, and determination. As the founder of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, he led the Turkish Cypriot people with a fighting spirit. He pioneered efforts to solve the Cyprus problem by using his diplomatic skills. He acted with strategic thinking, defending the rights of the Turkish Cypriot people and fighting for independence and a just solution. In this book, the life, political life, leadership, and communication characteristics of Rauf Raif Denktaş, the Founding President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, are discussed in the light of interviews with himself, his family, and politicians who witnessed his life.

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